
Friday, April 22, 2011

The Invitation: Addressing the Address

In our final part of our three-post Invitation series, Silver Sycamore tackles the addresses. It’s the final touch for sending out your big day invites and everything becomes official! To begin, your wedding invitations should be mailed to guests two to three months prior to your date. It’s best to err on the side of caution and send them earlier than later, especially if you’re addressing them by hand yourself.

Which leads us to part two: calligraphy. While some brides simply don’t have the time or means necessary to hand address invitations, there are other options to consider. Hand-addressing should always be a first resource and can often be a pleasant experience when shared with fellow bridesmaids or the bride’s mother or mother-in-law. Most often, they are happy to help and contribute to the wedding in any way.

If you aren’t able to hand-address the invitations, consider hiring the talented services of a calligrapher to assist. They can create a beautiful, consistent script for all your envelopes, which will be a beautiful first-sight for guests retrieving your invitation from their mailboxes. In a last resort, labels aren’t the most preferred method of addressing invitations but can do in a pinch if other options don’t seem suitable. In this event, use clear invitations printed in an elegant script or one that matches the font used on your invitations.

Finally, when you are addressing the invites, it’s key to remember the proper way in which to address its recipients. Here’s a go-to list to help you brush up on your invitation etiquette:

1. A married couple: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fallow
2. A married couple in which the woman has kept her name Ms. Janice Collins
and Mr. Kevin Black
3. A widow Mrs. Carl Fallow
4. A divorced woman Ms. Sally Fallow (or her maiden name if she's reclaimed it).
5. Married doctors The Doctors Stevenson, Dr. Carmen Stevenson and
Dr. Andrew Stevenson, Drs. Carmen and Andrew Stevenson.
6. The Doctors Stevenson, Dr. Carmen Stevenson and Dr. Andrew Stevenson,
Drs. Carmen and Andrew Stevenson. A couple living together or a
gay couple written on two lines) Robin Gossett Matthew Doring
7. Husband is a doctor Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevenson, Dr. Andrew Stevenson
and Ms. Carmen Gomez.
8. Wife is a doctor Dr. Carmen Stevenson and Mr. Andrew Stevenson
9. Teenage girl Miss Gloria Johnson
10. Teenage boy (under 18) Christopher Jones
11. Judge, Governor, Mayor,
United States Senator,
Member of Congress,
Cabinet Members,
The Honorable
12. Husband is a colonel Colonel and Mrs. Michael Jones
13. Husband is a major Major and Mrs. Lawrence Tanaka
14. Husband is a lieutenant Lieutenant and Mrs. John Warren
15. Wife is a captain Captain Alicia Huang and Mr. Albert Huang
16. A Catholic Bishop The Right Reverend Mark Wells Bishop of [insert city name]
17. A Catholic Brother Brother Coleman Harris
18. A Catholic Sister Sister Anita Canesto
19. A Catholic Priest The Reverend Father James Keough
20. Husband is a Rabbi Rabbi and Mrs. Adam Lohman
21. Wife is a Rabbi Rabbi Ellen Freed and Mr. Robert Freed
22. Husband is a Protestant Clergyman The Reverend and Mrs. John Smith
23. Wife is a Protestant clergywoman The Reverend Susan Carlson and
Mr. Thomas Carlson

Remember, Silver Sycamore is here to help our brides in any way we can. It’s our goal for you to achieve the wedding of your dreams at our beautiful venue—and we can help make that happen. From locating the best calligrapher to choosing an invitation vendor and a design that complements your theme, we are here for you!

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